AI and how I could use some sometimes.

I put some simple artificial intelligence into the 2DBattleScreen. If you get within 450 pixels of the enemy he will begin charging toward you. It took me a few tries because I kept trying different things and then undoing just a hair too much when changing back. I would end up removing the velocity affecting player2 position and he would stop moving. I had to scratch my head a few times and set some breakpoints before I realized that I had removed the assignment.

Now he is on the left. He also turns to face me.

I also discovered that if you are using "If" statements and checking the wrong variables they don't work correctly. It's fun to program and to laugh at yourself for making mistakes like that. This is definitely a passion project that is keeping me in coding everyday which is what I really want and need. I have had lots of fun with it and showing it to people. It's fun to say "I'm making a game and here it is." Most people aren't too impressed by the game or gameplay itself, but that I made it in my spare time after work and by teaching myself.

I thought it would be fun to share some of my concept art for the sprite work. I drew these using the paint app on my wife's iPad.
I have thought about going for this finger painted style for the whole game.

Early hero concept.

Just brainstorming some ideas for background battle screens.

Another background idea.

See you next Thursday.


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