Day in my life.

I thought it would be cool to write out a day in my life so I tried to keep track of what I did during waking hours. Here is what I did for Thursday May 8th, 2014:

6:40 am - Get woken up by kids, lay on couch while they watch TV

7:00 am - Shower, shave, get dressed

7:30 am - Make waffles, toast for kids, pour bowl of oops all berries cereal for me. Get on computer, check emails, make small changes to personal projects like my phone app, Unity game, or MVC page. Send email to mortgage loan place. Check bank account and calendar for the day. Eat another bowl.

8:00 am - Give my wife Thyroid medicine, kiss her goodbye, say a prayer together

8:05 am - Leave and drive to work, double check pantry for any snacks I want to bring to work while leaving.

8:16 am - Arrive to work. I'm lucky enough to have a roughly 7 minute commute. I listen to video game music on the way in.

8:18 am - Get into office, setup laptop, check work emails and get music started. Sometimes I may end up talking to some of the other devs who are in already or get a hot chocolate/water setup. I'll enter any bugs that may not have been in the system. Today it's a log viewer exception that is unhandled. I attach the log files, create a bug in TFS and send an email to the PM to let him know that I created a bug and it'll be popping up on his radar when we scope the next build.

8:45 am - Support Team Standup. We talk about issues that customers are running into and any cases we are working on or need some coordination on.

9:00 am - Standup over, start working on replicating an older version of a CRM4 environment using Hyper V to replicate a customer issue. Run into Generic SQL error and startup SQL profiler to trace what is happening. Discover that an existing column is trying to be duplicated in the script from the tool I'm running.

10:00 am - Start writing this because I'd love to have something written of what a day in my life is like.

10:10 am - Perform SQL surgery, dropping columns in many tables. Trying to rollback from a recent version to a 5 year old version is painful.

10:37 am - Bounced ideas off what I'm doing with team members on whiteboard in my office, found alternative method to create the old data structure in a newer environment. Created custom CRM quote field, populated it with XML. Ran a tool to create 4k quotes. Now to test

10:56 am - Created 4000 quotes using a CRMservice proxy, added xml to each one.

11:34 am - Running Upgrade script with a timeout set. Running stopwatch along-side. Looks like the proxy connection is being reestablished correctly with the duration switch set.

11:40 am - Standup and stretch, go look out the window for a few minutes to let my eyes focus on something further away than 3 feet. Helps my eyes not feel as strained by the end of the day. I had Lasik surgery two years ago, was totally worth it and a life changer, but I notice my eyes need more breaks. I try to stand up once every hour or two to do this.

11:54 am - 4000 quotes converted. Timer says 20 minutes and 2 seconds. While that was running start working on Coded UI test to handle some web behavior. I use these for regression and smoke testing. Verified that a bug is still present. Need to code test to check for that specifically.

12:15 pm - Lunch break. I typically head home to see my wife and kids since I live close. Today I need to run some errands and have a meeting with the builder of my house. Got to see my wife and daughter again at the meeting. Pick up Costa Vida on the way back to work.

1:25 pm - Get back into the groove, check emails. Look at the task list, take a few moments to ponder out and plan the afternoon. I wonder if the lead dev has intellisense built in in his mind from an earlier conversation we had where he knew what methods to expect on lots of different objects.

1:47 pm - Talk with a team member about a web service we have that a client is running into issues with. Double check mine and run into certificate errors.

2:20 pm - Look through PBI's slated for the next build, ensure I have testing tasks setup, check to see if any are ready to test now. Looking at changesets checked in to see where the changes occurred to help identify areas to focus on along with the acceptance criteria. I really like the VS 2013 compare tools.

3:37 pm - Finished up Coded UI test. Started researching Build server and Test controller items. I'm trying to get a testing rig setup that is automated so I'm studying Microsoft's tools. Planned out the NIC cards to use in my Hyper V machines.

4:00 pm - Time for a stretch. Taking a walk helps give me time to ponder, and to rejuvenate, often times reaching breakthroughs. I walk around the building outside. It's a nice sunny day and my shoulders and neck relax as I stretch my legs. Helps prevent tension headaches.

4:30 pm Dev team standup

5:10 pm Work through a hands on lab on Build Servers some more on a VM.

5:50 pm Normally I leave work and head home to eat dinner and play with my kids. Today there is a .NET user group that one of my co-workers is speaking at so I decide to attend that after talking to my wife about it.

6:07 pm User group people arriving. Presentation was on Entity Framework.

8:10 pm Arrive home and get to see my kids again. I left a little early since my wife is 9 months pregnant it's harder for her to help the kids get in bed.

8:28 pm Got kids in bed and work on the laptop on various projects while sitting with them. Tonight it's learning more entity framework and spending some time on a Unity game.

9:03 pm Kids asleep, merged a branch in Git for the first time. Still trying to figure it out with Unity. Looked at MVC tutorials, responded to some facebook messages.

9:52 pm Watching 24 and folding laundry.

11:30 pm Get ready for bed, read scriptures, write in journal. Fall asleep. Day was over too fast and seems like there aren't enough hours in the day sometimes.


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