Update for 6/15

Not too much progress to report this week. I set the minimum size to be bigger by default. Using the gamepad I can move and the map adjusts. It seems that there is a rectangle that is not being drawn that controls where the map controls and moves at a different speed than the character. I will have to work on that.

I am trying to animate the character and so far have tried using an array of images. I haven't successfully looped continuously through the array yet. I have been having ideas for other games recently and it's hard to not get distracted and want to work on them.

Here is what I have so far in the PlayerCharacter class for drawing the array:
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D[] playerTextureArray) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            spriteBatch.Draw(playerTextureArray[i], Position, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
In the game class I create a new player texture array and load [0] and [1] with two different images. I then call draw passing the spritBatch and the Array.

I will try to post code in a better format next time so it's clearer like on msdn sites and blogs.

There are days when I feel like I will never finish this though as I spend time trying to just animate one character. How will I ever finish this? There are things that inspire me to continue such as videos by the guy Family Jules 7x. He does a weekly cover of video game music which motivates me to continue to do something I enjoy. I also want to learn more and feel like there is so much to learn. I have also been looking into a source control since I have started feeling like it's turning into spaghetti code while I try out different things.

I hope that by doing this blog and sticking with it consistently I can learn to code better and make fun games.

Thanks to anyone who reads these. Let me know any ideas you think I should try and we'll see you next week.


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